Business phrases

Not too long ago, our local newspaer had a funny article in the business section. In this piece, the author listed a series of phrases used in the business world to describe various behaviors. Here are some of them:

Blamestorming - a meeting to discuss failures and find a scapegoat

Assmosia - the apparent absorption of success that comes from sucking up (aka kissing a**)

Deja moo - the feeling that you've heard this bunch of bullsh*t before

Mouse potato - a close cousin to the coach potato this is a person who spends hours and hours in front of a computer (see Napolean Dynomite)

Percussive maintenance - the common practice of 'fixing' something by banging on it repeatedly

Photox - improving the look of one's face in a photo through the use of graphic software

Dope-ler effect - the principle that stupid ideas sound better when they come at you quickly

Drink the Kool-Aid - accept company policy without question

Multi-slacker - someone who can perform many unproductive things at the same time

RDB - the 'rectal database' the origin of ideas pulled out of one's rear end

Spokeweasel - a PR person who is exceptionally good at spin

Cyberslacking - wasting time by casually browsing the Internet

It's amazing how often I experience each of these at my job. What about you?!

Happy New Year!