Sailing off

Crack a champagne bottle on my head (not literally). I'm off on my maiden blogging voyage.

Be gentle :-p


Andre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JJM said...


Andre said...

Sorry J. That was me. I had a hard time leaving a comment. Long story.

Anyway, ah snap! Got yourself a blog now, eh? Hope you have fun with it. It's a great venting piece.

Glad to be the first to bless your mic...

Andre said...

That came out wrong.

Andre said...

Happy Belated birthday, by the way.

JJM said...

I get where you were coming from.

Thanks for the B-day wish, by the way. But that still doesn't get you off the hook. I want a gift bighead.

Anonymous said...

Hey girl! Just wanted to see your blog. You know that officially makes you a nerd now, right?! =}