Seinfeld's Kramer (Michael Richards) Racist Tirade

Wow. Who would've thought that Kramer was a racist...


Andre said...

You know J, it's funny. Race is always in comedy. But, there's a fine line between joking and just being straight racist. Some of his jokes crossed the line (i.e. the "If this was 50 years ago" joke.)

Also, there's an unspoken rule -- I think -- where people are allowed to ridicule their own people; but not another. This principle applies for EVERYBODY; irrespective of race. Blacks aren't exempt here.

Anonymous said...

I saw the clip and I'm not suprised by what I saw. As we all know, there are "hidden" racists all around us. When you mix that with the privilege that comes with being a rich celebrity, you occassionally get this type of outbreak (hello Mel Gibson?!). You know how those rich folks get J.

JJM said...

Andre, I agree with your first point to an extent. But where I disagree is with your second point. I don't think that any race should ricidule their own or anybody else's. But I think I see where you're coming from.

JJM said...

Lez, I know exactly how those rich brats can get. Its one of the things I hate about living here. I still don't feel that ignorance should be pardoned just because of a person's socioeconomic status.